Chapel Lane, Harriseahead, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST7 4JL

01782 512301

Thursfield Primary School

We care, We share, We dare to dream


Welcome to Thursfield Primary School Parents, Teachers and Friend’s Association. We are a reasonably new committee all appointed at the AGM in January 2016, we are learning as we go and are always on the lookout for new members and volunteers. So far, we have raised approximately £5000 and are looking at new and exciting ways to raise more funds and get everyone involved.


Our current activities include: school discos, which have been held each term; movie nights, Easter activities; and Christmas and Summer Fayres, but we are always open to new ideas.


As a PTFA we look to support the school by raising much needed funds for any additional equipment the school might need.  So far we have bought: add on reading resource packs; maths equipment; a sound system; chess sets; Christmas gifts for the whole school; and funded the Year 6 Prom.


You can contact us via our email address:


If you would like to be included in our email updates, which will include: minutes of meetings; volunteer requests; and general updates, please email us with your details on the above address.


Please look out for the next meeting date on the school newsletter.  All parents and friends are welcome; the meetings are very informal and give you the opportunity to put any ideas forward. All input and support is appreciated by both the school and the PTFA.


Please feel free to contact myself for any more information.


Thanks and Kind Regards


Vicky Price
